Rudy's Story

Rudy is quite possibly the cheekiest little dog you will ever meet, it is no wonder he ended up getting hurt he has trouble flowing through his veins.

The Accident

We do not know exactly where Rudy came from or how he ended up getting hit by the car but we are thankful for the passers by who carried him from the gutter and took him into Dr Beck and Stone’s surgery as if it was not for them he would have certainly died.

Even with the most expert of care Rudy was not able to make a full recovery as one of his legs had been broken so badly, it does not seem to stop him though as when he was recovering in the hospital he managed to run round and play with the other dogs only using his three good legs.

New friends

It was in the hospital that he met Joe who was also recovering from an operation, Rudy whilst cheeky and playful was very lonely and scared. Joe took it upon himself to look after him and adopted him as one of his brothers. There was one problem however, Joe was due to leave for London to start his new life soon and that would mean leaving Rudy behind.

It would be impossible to let this little dog suffer again so a plane ticket was bought for Rudy and he also had his vaccinations to travel to London where he would stay with his best friend Joe.

Living in London

To say Rudy enjoys his new life is most likely an understatement, if you judge a dog’s happiness by the amount they wag their tail then Rudy is most probably the happiest dog on the planet. I have to take my hat off to Joe however, after all he had been through the pain and operations he still had time to show a little love to this little stranger.